


董事会制定的公司治理指引提供了一个结构,在这个结构中,我们的董事和管理层可以有效地为公司利益而工作, 它的股东和其他支持者. The Board intends that these guidelines serve as a flexible framework within which the Board and management may conduct their work, 而不是作为一套有约束力的法律义务. 这些准则应在所有适用法律的背景下解释, 公司章程文件和其他规范性法律文件和政策. 董事会定期审查这些指导方针, and they may be amended or modified at any time in the sole discretion of the Board.


I. 董事资格标准

The Nominating and Corporate 治理 Committee establishes criteria for selecting new members of the Board. 董事会作为一个整体应反映一系列的技能, 在公司重要领域的知识和经验. 董事会希望成员多样化, 包括种族问题, 性别, nationality and ethnicity as well as professional background and geographic and industry experience. 董事必须致力于维护个人和职业操守的最高标准,并代表所有股东的利益, 不是特定的股东群体. The Nominating and Corporate 治理 Committee places no specific restrictions on the number of terms directors may serve, 但年满75岁的董事不得开始其董事会任期,除非董事会认定该等董事开始其董事会任期符合公司的最佳利益. A majority of directors must be “independent” under the listing standards of the New York 股票 Exchange. 除非董事会确定该董事与公司没有重大关系(无论是直接关系还是合伙人关系),否则该董事不具备“独立”董事的资格, shareholder or officer of an organization that has a relationship with the Company). 在确定董事是否独立时, 董事会将广泛考虑所有相关的事实和情况. 按照上述规定被认定为独立董事的董事,在本指引中被视为“独立董事”.


II. 董事责任 

董事的首要责任是通过真诚地行使其商业判断,并按照他们合理认为符合公司及其股东和其他选民的最佳长期利益行事,从而指导公司的业务和事务管理. 董事应提前审阅董事会会议材料, to attend Board meetings regularly and to attend the Company’s annual meeting of shareholders. 委员会还负责执行某些具体职能, 包括:选择, evaluating and approving the compensation of the officers of the Company and planning for senior management succession; reviewing, approving and monitoring significant corporate actions and strategic plans; reviewing assessments of, 以及解决和缓解的措施, significant risks and issues facing the Company; and ensuring that processes are in place to protect the integrity of the Company, 包括遵守法律和公司的公司治理政策.


3. 董事会委员会 

在任何时候, 董事会将设立审计委员会, 薪酬委员会和提名和公司治理委员会. 每个委员会应仅由符合纽约证券交易所为各自委员会服务制定的标准的独立董事组成. The key responsibilities of these committees are set forth in their respective charters. 董事会可以, 不时地, establish or maintain such additional committees that it determines to be appropriate.


IV. 董事与管理层和独立顾问的接触 

董事应充分接触公司管理层和员工. The Board and its committees are authorized to consult with such independent advisors as they deem appropriate.


V. 独立董事执行会议 

The independent directors of the Company shall meet periodically at regularly scheduled executive sessions without management. 独立首席董事应主持此类会议.


VI. 董事薪酬 

The Compensation Committee will review and make recommendations to the Board with respect to the compensation of directors. 在一般情况下, 薪酬将包括使董事的利益与股东的长期利益保持一致的股权和对董事服务的现金补偿.


7. 独立董事 

在董事会任职五年之后, 独立董事应持有公司普通股,其市值至少为现金基础年度董事费的五倍. Ownership may be held directly or indirectly, and may include shares held by a spouse or children.


8. 高级管理人员持股情况 

The Chief Executive Officer is expected to own Company common stock equal in value to six times his or her annual salary, and the other members of senior management are expected to own common stock equal to three times their annual salaries. 受此指引约束的个人必须保留因行使期权而获得的税后普通股数量的50%, 限制性股份的归属或递延股票的发行,直到该要求得到满足(应理解,该保留义务可通过保留个人持有的任何公司股份来履行). Ownership may be held directly or indirectly, and may include shares held by a spouse or children.


IX. 高级管理层持股期限 



X. 禁止套期保值和质押 

董事, 还有高管和其他内部人士, 不得就公司证券进行套期保值交易, and may not pledge Company securities as collateral for a loan or otherwise use Company securities to secure a debt (e.g. 获得保证金贷款).


XI. 董事入职及继续教育 

所有新董事应提供入职培训, 包括由高级管理层介绍公司的会计政策, 财务报告, 战略计划和关键问题, 政策和做法. 董事 are encouraged to participate in continuing education programs to better perform their duties.


十二世. 其他公共董事会董事服务 

除非董事会另有批准, directors shall not serve on more than three boards of public companies in addition to the Company’s Board.


十三世. 管理继承 



十四. 董事会年度绩效评估 

The Board will conduct a self-evaluation at least annually to determine whether it and its committees are functioning effectively. The Nominating and Corporate 治理 Committee will oversee such evaluation and report annually to the Board.


XV. 道德行为 

董事, 还有官员和员工, are expected to act ethically and adhere to the policies set forth in the Company’s 商业行为和道德准则.


十六世. 关系人交易 

董事会认识到,涉及本公司及相关人士的交易存在潜在或实际利益冲突的较高风险,这些利益冲突可能干扰-甚至似乎干扰-本公司的利益. 因此, it is the policy of the Company that the Nominating and Corporate 治理 Committee shall review all transactions, 在这些交易进入之前, 如果可能的话, 根据美国证券交易委员会颁布的有关关联人交易的适用规则和条例,公司需要报告与关联人的交易, 并在适当情况下批准或批准此类交易.


第十七章. 与董事沟通 

股东及其他利益相关方可通过致函公司地址的独立首席董事与董事会沟通. 如果该等通信涉及实质性事项并包含信息,独立首席董事应将该等通信转发给所有董事, 独立首席董事提出的建议或意见, 在公司秘书的协助下, 认为适宜由全体董事会审议.


十八. 股东权益计划政策 

The Company will submit the adoption of any shareholder rights plan to a shareholder vote before it acts to adopt a rights plan; provided, 然而, 董事会可自行采取行动通过股东权利计划,而无需事先将该行动提交股东投票, 包括多数独立董事, 在履行其受托义务时, 在当时存在的情况下,确定该等提交不符合公司及其股东和其他选民的最佳利益.

If a shareholder rights plan is adopted without first submitting such action to a shareholder vote, 董事会须, 在通过后的12个月内, either submit the shareholder rights plan to a shareholder vote or redeem the shareholder rights plan or cause it to expire.


第十九. Board Election Procedures Related to Failure of Director to Receive Majority of Votes Cast in Uncontested Elections 

关于股东大会上董事的无争议选举, an incumbent director who receives the support of less than a majority of the votes cast must promptly tender his or her resignation, 新提名的董事如果获得的支持少于多数,将被视为自动辞职, 须遵守附例所载的程序及进一步详情.


XX. 独立首席董事 

The Board shall have an independent director designated by the independent directors of the Board as the 独立首席董事. 除非董事会另有决定, the 独立首席董事 shall also serve as the Chair of the Nominating and Corporate 治理 Committee. 独立首席董事的职责如下:

  • 在董事会主席缺席时主持董事会的所有会议;
  • 主持董事会独立董事的所有执行会议; 
  • Serving as a liaison between the Chairman of the Board and the Board's independent directors;
  • 向董事会主席提供意见,并批准董事会及其委员会的议程和会议时间表;
  • 就质量问题向董事会主席提供意见, 独立董事有效地、负责任地履行职责所必需的来自高级管理层信息流动的数量和及时性, 包括在适当情况下,特别要求高级管理层在提供给董事会的材料中加入某些信息;
  • Calling executive sessions of the Board's independent directors when appropriate;
  • Being available for consultation with the Chief Executive Officer regarding the concerns of the other directors;
  • Being available for consultation with members of senior management regarding the concerns of any members of senior management;
  • Being available for consultation and direct communication with shareholders and other interested parties when appropriate;
  • Interviewing director candidates and making recommendations to the Nominating and Corporate 治理 Committee and the Board;
  • Leading the Board's evaluation of the Chairman of the Board; and 
  • 在委员会的年度自我评估中发挥主导作用.
